
Projects in C

Tic Tac Toe Game Development using C: While making a Tic Tac Toe game using C language, it is important to make use of arrays. The Xs and Os are kept in different arrays, and they are passed between several functions in the code to keep track of how the game goes. With the code here you can play the game choosing either X or O against the computer. This Tic Tac Toe C game is such that you will have to input a numerical character, from 1 to 9, to select a position for X or O into the space you want. For example: if you are playing with O and you input 2, the O will go to first row – second column. If you want to place O in third row – first column, you have to enter 7. And, it is similar for the other positions. This has been done this way because it is just a console application without graphics designed in C language. The gotoxy function has been used to print text in any part of the screen. Did you know? In Tic Tac Toe game, there are 765 states of space complexities...

Some Extra problems and resources on C

Memory Operations in C

Recursion in C

Pointers in C



Using for Loop and Questions

Working with Operators

Using Constructs- III

Questions On Conditional Constructs