Projects in C

Tic Tac Toe Game Development using C:

While making a Tic Tac Toe game using C language, it is important to make use of arrays. The Xs and Os are kept in different arrays, and they are passed between several functions in the code to keep track of how the game goes. With the code here you can play the game choosing either X or O against the computer.

This Tic Tac Toe C game is such that you will have to input a numerical character, from 1 to 9, to select a position for X or O into the space you want. For example: if you are playing with O and you input 2, the O will go to first row – second column. If you want to place O in third row – first column, you have to enter 7. And, it is similar for the other positions.

This has been done this way because it is just a console application without graphics designed in C language. The gotoxy function has been used to print text in any part of the screen.

Did you know?

In Tic Tac Toe game, there are 765 states of space complexities or over 25,000 possible games on those different positions.

Function Used:

I have divided this project into many functions, and below is a list of those functions. I have only described the gotoxy function in detail. Just go through the source code once, and other functions used are simple and easy to understand.

void menu() – In this mini project, this function displays the menu or welcome screen of this project. Scroll down to view the photo of the menu. With this function, you can select whether you wish to play the game with X or with O.

void go(int n)
void start_game()
void check_draw()
void draw_board()
void player_first()

void put_X_O(char ch, int pos) – This function puts one of the numerical character you input into the respective position in Tic-Tac-Toe. For example: if you are playing with X and you input 2, the X will go to first row – second column. If you want to place X in third row – first column, you have to enter 7. And, it is similar for the other positions.

void gotoxy (int x, int y) – You need to understand this function as it is one of the most important one used in Tic Tac Toe in C. This function allows you to print text in any place of the screen. Using this function in Code::Blocks requires coding, but it can be directly used in Turbo C. Here is a code for this function in Code::Blocks.

Here, COORD coord= {0,0}; is a global variable. It sets the center of axis to the top left corner of the screen.


I haven’t used file to record the number of games won by the player, by the computer or the number of games drawn. Not using file handling may seem a bad idea, but this C mini project on Tic Tac Toe Game can definitely guide you to modify and create a newer version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game using file handling to store game records.

Submitting this project as a C mini project for your school or college with little or no modification at all is completely discouraged!

Download here:


 Calendar in C:

Basically three operations can be done in this calendar application. To find out the day corresponding to a given date, the date, month and year are asked. You can list the days and dates of any month of any year. For example, entering 04 2014 (April 2014) will give you an output as shown in the screenshot in this post.

You can navigate the months using arrow keys, or press ‘n’ and ‘p’ keys to view the next and previous months respectively. The third feature of this C mini project on Calendar application utilizes file handling. With this feature, you can add important notes with corresponding dates.

The functions used in the source code are simple and easy to understand. The ones listed below have been used to produce background with color effects. They are described in the source code with comments.

  • void SetColor(int ForgC)
  • void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
  • void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC)

void gotoxy (int x, int y) – You need to understand this function as it is an important one used in this Calendar in C language. You can find this function used in many C projects. This function allows you to print text in any place of screen. Using this function in Code::Blocks requires coding, but it can be directly used in Turbo C. Here is a code for this function in Code::Blocks.

Code for gotoxy (Mini Project in C Calendar Application)
COORD coord = {0, 0};  // sets coordinates to (0,0) as global variables
void gotoxy (int x, int y)
        coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; // X and Y are the coordinates
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
This mini project in C Calendar is provided to you for reference purpose. Don’t submit this as your school/college C mini project. Try to modify it; if you’ve got good programming skills try writing your own code and create a new project.
